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My mission is to move away from “brick phones and brick computers” and to design and create shape-changing digital technologies. This could fundamentally transfigure the consumers market, not only changing device shapes to be fully adapted to the human morphology, but also enabling morphing abilities: when launching a game, a phone would curl its edges to facilitate grasping with two hands; when writing an email, a tablet surface would transform into a keyboard to improve touch-typing; when teaching about the formation of continents, children would physically interact with and mould actuated surfaces in order to experience the impact of geological forces. Within my research I am tackling three aspects: creating technologies: I work with material scientists and roboticists to create new interactive materials; understanding interaction: we need to move beyond the static, rigid and rectangular computers that we had for more than 40 years, and we need to rethink the way we design interfaces for arbitrary shape devices; fabricating: I embrace the maker movement and believe in a world where end-users can fabricate their own interactive devices without requiring particular expertise.

CHI 2019 4th – 9 th of May in Glasgow

PickCells: A Physically Reconfigurable Cell-composed Touchscreen. We look into the concept of phones made of tiny cubes that can be reconfigured automatically or by the users. The paper particularly looks at how such a phone could enrich user experiences.
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Finding Information on Non-Rectangular Interfaces. We analyse eyes movement when searching information on non-rectangular displays and use our results to form design principles for graphic designers.
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some of my reconfigurable devices

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